Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Last Time

I've been dreading writing this entry, but it's something I need to do, especially today.

2 months ago I saw my dad for the last time.

It was at Chef Mickey's character breakfast at the Contemporary. We had a really long wait for our tables, and everyone was cranky, including me. I was exhausted from the wedding day, excited to stay at the Grand Floridian for the first time, and I had no idea I would never see my dad again. No idea. (How could I have?) We didn't even sit at the same table.

I had told him prior to my wedding that I wasn't going to spend the day with him on the 7th. That I only got one honeymoon, and I didn't want to spend it with my dad. (My dad had a habit of, how can I put this nicely... being kind of clingy.) He ended up spending most of the day with my friend Becky and her mom, and he had a great time. Rumor has it he even liked the Haunted Mansion, my favorite ride.

He didn't hug me goodbye. Just fist bumped me. Which is oddly appropriate.

If I had known, I would have done things differently. Of course I would have. I would have spent the entire day with him and shown him the Walt Disney World I love so much. I would have said a proper goodbye, and I would have told him that I love him. If I had known, I would have begged him to do something, anything to change Fate, so that I didn't have to go through this; so my grandparents didn't have to go through this.

But I didn't know. And sometimes, just sometimes, it is so difficult not to live in a sea of regret and wishes; an ocean of would haves.

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, I know things must be so hard. I don't even know the right things to say to make you feel better. There are always going to be the what ifs. But you can't live your life like that. From the little I know about you, you and your dad had a great relationship. I am what other father would take their daughter to see The Babysitter's Club. I am here for whatever you need *big hugs* Melissa
